4.3. Multi-File Find

The Multi-File Find window can be broupt up from the "Multi-File Find&" item in the Edit menu. With it, you can run find & replace operations on the current file, the current site, or all open files.

After bringing up the window, type your search into the "Search For" field, and hit the "Find" button. skEdit will run the search on the appropriate files, showing the results in the table. skEdit will only run the search on files that are assigned to a text file category. Selecting a result in the table will open that file and select the matching text in the editor.

After running a search, you can do a replace by typing the text into the "Replace With" field and hitting the "Replace" button. skEdit will perform the replace on all selected matches. If nothing is selected, all matches will be replaced. Before running the replace, skEdit will ask for confirmation.


Running a multi-file find & replace will only be undoable on open files.

The Multi-File Find Window